Spartan Daily Rates

  • Open Rate: $10.45 per column inch
  • Pre Paid: $9.45 per colomn inch
  • National Rate: $11.75 per column inch
  • Campus Rate $9.45 per column inch

Space Rate (calculated for a single run)

  • Full Page: $1214.01
  • Half Page: $627.00
  • Quarter Page: $313.50

Print Page Space Examples:

On average the receives over 45,000 impressions per day on its website. During news breaking events, the hits may reach up to 60,000 in a single day.

Digital Rates
Button Ad 120 x 90 pixels
$10 per day $45 per week

Banner Ad 468 x 60 pixels
$15 per day $70 per week

Inserts can be up to standard tabloid size. All preprinted material must be submitted for approval and shipping two weeks in advance of publication and state "paid advertising supplement" at the top of each page in minimum 8 pt. type.
Spartan Daily will gladly convert any preprinted insert into an ROP (Run-Of-Paper) ad. Charges are at the earned column inch rate plus any color charges. Upon advance notice and approval, inserts may be re-set to run back-to-back on consecutive pages to facilitate direct response or coupon use.

Pages Price per 1000 copies
1-4 $72
6-8 $88
10-12 $104
14-24 $126
Publication run is 5,500 on print days

The client and the Spartan Daily Art staff work together to design informative and attention-grabbing print or web advertisements.
The Spartan Daily's Art Department offers clients creative layouts for new ads, graphic art services and clip art at no charge. Please contact the Spartan Daily for additional information.


Ad materials are due by 2:00 PM, two days prior to the publication date. For ads that are to be created by our staff artists, all logos, copy and or art to be included in the ad are due bye 2:00 PM; three days prior to the publication date. All materials should be provided in PDF format and emailed to spartan